St Peter's graves

There are many early gravestones at St. Peter's and St. Leonard's Church in Horbury, which date back over 200 years in some cases. Although the gravestones have been laid flat and form a path around the Church, the inscription are still easily visible. In this study, we have researched the names on the grave markers and have produced a short biography for seventeen of the families named on the graves. Some of the these surnames are stll common in the Horbury area and maybe you have a relative who was buried at St. Peter's and St. Leonard's Church?

The grave markers at St. Peter's Church are shown below as smaller thumbnail pictures. If you click on the thumbnail picture a new window will open with the family biography and a larger picture of the grave marker.

John Armitage

William Brown

John H Clayton

John Ellis

Joseph Coope

Joseph Himsworth

Roger Hirst

George Holroyd

John Lee

Joshua Lee

John Race

William Rayner

Roger Thorns

Thomas Thresh

William Taylor

John Widdop

Thomas Wrigglesworth



Helen Bickerdike  June 2017